[영어뉴스요약] 화이자,모더나 백신접종 세 번 필요할 수도기사 2021. 4. 28. 15:57반응형
중요내용 요약본
1. 바이오앤텍은 바이러스의 멸종을 위해서는 코로나 백신을 두 번 맞은 사람들이 바이러스의 세 번째 접종이 필요할 것 같다고 말했다.
2. 바이오앤텍 공동창업자 투치박사는 ,화이자와 함께 코로나백신개발을 했다, 코로나 백신이 계절 독감처럼 매년 맞아야 할 수 도 있다고 말했다.
화이자는 이달 초 당사 백신이 코로나바이러스에 대해 91%의 효과를 나타냈고, 두 번째 접종 후 6개월까지 위중한 병에 대하여 95%의 효과를 나타냈다고 말했다. 백신은 화이자의 백신과 비슷한 원리로 만드는 모더나 백신 또한 6깨월까지 높은 효과를 유지했다.
보건당국과 건강전분가들은 백신효과는 어느 기간 후에는 사라진다고 말했지만 연구자들은 두 번의 접종이 끝나고 6개월 후에는 얼마나 오래 백신 효과가 지속되는지는 모른다고 말했다.
미국인들이 백신효과를 지속하기 위한 추가 접종을 받아야하는지에 관해서는 미국 정부가 제약회사와 추가 공급과 백신접종 계획에 대해 긴밀히 협력이 필요한 것으로 보인다.
지난주 바이든 정부의 코로나대응팀 부장 데이빗 케슬러는 미국인들이 코로나 변종에 대항하여 부스터샷으로 한 샷 더 맞아야 할 것을 예상해야 한다고 말했다. 그는 미국의 입법자들에게 현재 승인된 백신은 매우 효과가 있지만 새로운 변이바이러스에 대해서는 그 효과가 "도전적"일 수도 있다고 말했다.
"우리는 지금 모든 것을 알 수 없다. 우리는 현재 항체반응의 지속성에 대해 연구중이다. 이는 강해보이지만 변종 바이러스에 대해서는 효과가 쇠퇴되는 현상이 있다. "
지난주 모더나 CEO스티븐 반셀은 CNBC에 우리회사는 두 도즈의 백신 효과를 끌어올려 줄 백신이 (한 도즈 추가) 가을에는 나오길 기대한다고 말했다.
Scientist who helped develop Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine agrees third shot is needed as immunity wanes
- The chief medical officer of BioNTech told CNBC that people will likely need a third shot of its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine as immunity against the virus wanes.
- Dr. Ozlem Tureci, co-founder and CMO of BioNTech, which developed a Covid vaccine with Pfizer, said she also expects people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually, like for the seasonal flu.'
The chief medical officer of BioNTech told CNBC on Wednesday that people will likely need a third shot of its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine as immunity against the virus wanes, agreeing with previous comments made by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Dr. Ozlem Tureci, co-founder and CMO of BioNTech, which developed a Covid vaccine with Pfizer, said she also expects people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually, like for the seasonal flu. That’s because, she said, scientists expect vaccine-induced immunity against the virus will decrease over time.
“We see indications for this also in the induced, but also the natural immune response against SARS-COV-2,” she said during an interview with CNBC’s Kelly Evans on “The Exchange.” “We see this waning of immune responses also in people who were just infected and therefore [it’s] also expected with the vaccines.”
Tureci’s comments come after Bourla said in an interview that aired April 15 that people will likely need a booster shot, or third dose, of the Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. He also said it’s possible people will need to get additional shots each year.
Pfizer said earlier this month that its Covid-19 vaccine was more than 91% effective at protecting against the virus and more than 95% effective against severe disease up to six months after the second dose. Moderna’s vaccine, which uses technology similar to Pfizer’s, was also shown to remain highly effective at six months.
Researchers say they still don’t know how long protection against the virus lasts after six months of being fully vaccinated, though public health officials and health experts expect protection to wane after some time.
Should Americans require booster shots, the U.S. government would likely need to make arrangements with the drugmakers to supply additional doses and make plans for vaccine distribution.
On Friday, Andy Slavitt, senior advisor to President Joe Biden’s Covid response team, said the White House is preparing for the potential need for Covid-19 vaccine booster shots. He said the Biden administration has thought about the need to secure additional doses.
“I can assure you that when we do our planning, when the president orders purchases of additional vaccines as he has done and when we focus on all the production expansion opportunities that we talk about in here we very much have scenarios like that in mind,” he said at a White House press briefing.
Last week, the Biden administration’s Covid response chief science officer, David Kessler, said Americans should expect to receive booster shots to protect against coronavirus variants. He told U.S. lawmakers that currently authorized vaccines are highly protective but noted new variants could “challenge” the effectiveness of the shots.
“We don’t know everything at this moment,” he told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
“We are studying the durability of the antibody response,” he said. “It seems strong, but there is some waning of that, and no doubt the variants challenge ... they make these vaccines work harder. So I think for planning purposes, planning purposes only, I think we should expect that we may have to boost.”
Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel told CNBC last week that the company hopes to have a booster shot for its two-dose vaccine available in the fall.
Scientist who helped develop Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine agrees third shot is needed as immunity wanes
The chief medical officer of BioNTech told CNBC that people will likely need a third shot of its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine as immunity against the virus wanes.
*생략, 오역 및 의역이 있을 수 있음을 고지합니다.
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