[서울반도체] LED 용어정리재테크공부 2020. 12. 15. 14:22반응형
10. 그 밖에 투자의사결정에 필요한 사항
가. 지적재산권(단위 : 개) 구분특허(실용포함)디자인상표총계
SSC 9,900 449 550 10,899 SVC 5,329 99 401 5,829 Total 15,229 548 951 16,728 주1) 해외 업체와 크로스라이센스 체결 내용이 포함되었습니다.
주2) 투자자의 이해를 돕기 위해 계열회사인 서울바이오시스의 지적재산권 현황이 포함되었습니다.당사는 20년 넘게 LED(발광다이오드) 개발과 제조에만 매진한 기업으로 R&D에 많은 투자를 하고 있습니다. 즉, 당사는 매년 매출의 10% 이상을 연구개발에 투자해 현재 1만개 이상의 강력한 특허 포트폴리오를 갖추고 있습니다. 이러한 꾸준한 IP 강화 정책으로 세계 Global 기업과의 Cross-license를 이끌어 냈으며, 당사의 기술은 UV, 가시광, IR 등 전파장에 걸친 LED Chip, LED Package, LED 모듈 및 시스템 기술을 포함합니다.
당사의 대표적인 기술로는 자연광을 구현하는 SunLike(www.seoulsemicon.com/kr/technology/sunlike/why/), PKG free LED인 WICOP, 고전압에서 구동이 가능한 Acrich MJT, 기존 LED의 효율을 극적으로 향상시킨 nPola, 차세대 디스플레이에 사용될 Micro Clean Display 등이 있습니다.
먼저 Acrich의 경우, 2007년 유럽 최고 권위의 일렉트로닉지와 E&E지로부터 <2006년 최우수 제품상> 수상 하였고, 미국의 전자부품전문지 EDN이 발표하는 ‘2007년 100대 Hot Product’에 선정되기도 하였습니다. 그 해 12월에는 LED 패키지 세계최초 CE 인증 획득 및 독일 TUV 인증도 획득하였습니다. 또한, 2008년 12월에는 한국의 지식경제부에서 ‘2008 대한민국 기술 대상 수상’ 및 ‘대한민국 10대 신기술’로 선정되기도 하였습니다. 2009년 5월에는 세계 유일의 AC용 LED(교류 전원용 LED, 제품명: 아크리치) 개발 양산에 성공, 한국 LED 기술의 우수성을 전 세계에 알린 공적을 인정받아 당사 대표이사 이름으로 제 44회 발명의 날 기념 은탑산업훈장을 수훈하였습니다.
SunLike의 경우, 2018년 유럽 최고 권위의 일렉트로닉지 등으로부터 올해의 제품상을 수상하였고, 이후 2018 Lux Awards에서 올해의 기술, 2019 German Innovation Award에서 Lighting Solution 부분 혁신상, 그리고 2019년 LED 신기술 개발에 따른 대통령상을 수상하였습니다.
최근 당사는 세계 최대 가전 전시회 CES 2020에서 신개념 디스플레이 제품인 Micro Clean Display를 선보였으며, 많은 고객들의 집중적인 관심을 받았습니다.www.seoulsemicon.com/kr/technology/sunlike/why/
Seoul Semiconductor Mass Produces Simpler Structured Package-Free LED
- Seoul Semiconductor Develops and mass produces Wicop which overcomes the incompleteness of CSP derived from silicon semiconductors
- No need for main parts such as lead frame, gold wire, etc. and main packaging equipment such as die bonding, wire bonding, etc.
- Burden will increase on LED companies that invested heavily in packaging processes due to commercialization of Wicop
- As Seoul Semiconductor has already secured the global patent portfolio related to Wicop, it will take a close look at what the market will go, including the similar products.
Seoul Semiconductor CEO Chunghun Lee introducing the company's new package free LED product Wicop LED at Pudong Marriot Hotel, Shanghai, China. (All photos courtesy of Seoul Semiconductor) On September 15th at Pudong Marriott Hotel, Shanghai, China, the global Seoul Semiconductor specializing in LED (CEO Chunghun Lee, www.seoulsemicon.co.kr) announced a new product, or the new concept Wicop LED which does not need processes such as Die Bonding, Wire Bonding, etc. which were necessary for the conventional LED Package production nor main LED package component parts such as Lead frame, Gold wire, etc.
Seoul Semiconductor's new package free LED product Wicop LED.
Wicop (Wafer Level Integrated Chip on PCB) is a totally new concept LED product which overcame the limits of the existing CSP (Chip Scale Package). Seoul Semiconductor succeeded in developing and producing the product for the first time in the world in 2012. Because it is designed to directly connect the chip to PCB, there is no need for packaging process such as die bonding or wire bonding. In addition, as there is no intermediate substrate, the size of the chip and package is 100% the same. It is characterized by the super mall size and high efficiency. It is also good for the high luminance and thermal conductivity.
In the case of the currently widely used product of TOP LED, a lot of materials are required for the product such as Die Bonding equipment to attach the chip to the lead frame, Wire Bonding equipment to connect electrodes to the gold wire, and lead frame, gold wire, and adhesives in each process. As the conventional LED needs such packaging process (commonly referred to as die bonding and wire bonding process) and it has a package size larger than the chip size, the size of the chip could not be made smaller.
The CSP (Chip Scale Package) technology derived from silicon semiconductors is a technology to miniaturize the size of semiconductor parts (package) to the size of a chip. Generally, when the size of the package does not exceed more than 1.2 times the chip, it is classified as CSP. This technology was applied to the LED industry and companies such as P announced products using this technology in 2012. However, because products using such technology need die bonding equipment, intermediate substrate or ceramic or silicon material to attach the chip to the PCB, it was difficult to see the technology as a complete CSP.
[Comparison of LED production process – General LED, CSP, WICOP]
Seoul Semiconductor released for the first time in the world a complete concept of Wicop products in which the size of the package (PKG) is the same with that of chip and does not use other main materials by directly attaching the chip to the PCB. It started to mass produce relevant products and supply them to client companies, thus firmly establishing its position as the leading company in the industry. Also, it secured a global patent regarding Wicop and succeeded in constructing a technological barrier.
Since 2013, Wicop has been supplied to main customers for use as LCD backlight (BLU: Back Light Unit) and camera flash and is also used as head lamps of vehicles. By releasing LED package Wicop2 for use for lamp using Wicop technology this time, Seoul Semiconductor has been able to possess a Wicop product portfolio applicable to all fields of LED industry. Seoul Semiconductor plans to actively target a LED lighting-source market in lights, vehicle, and IT parts currently estimated to be approximately 20trillion ($20B) through the new concept LED Wicop.
Kibum Nam or Head of Central Research Center of Seoul Semiconductor, emphasized that “through the development of Wicop which is an innovative small sized, highly efficient LED technology, the effective value of packaging equipment which was once essential in semiconductor assembly process will noticeably decrease. As all of the parts which had been used for more than 20 years will not be necessary any more, there will be a huge change in the future LED industry” and that “Seoul Semiconductor already has acquired hundreds of global patent portfolio regarding Wicop and takes a close look at how other manufacturers would develop the similar products using the similar technology”.
열전도율(k, λ, κ로 나타냄)은 열전달을 나타내는 물질의 고유한 성질이다. 열전도율의 SI 단위는 W/(m⋅K)이다. 예를 들면, 1기압, 293K(=20°C) 조건에서, 공기의 열전도율은 0.025 W/(m⋅K)로 낮으며, 물의 열전도율은 대략 0.5918 W/(m⋅K)이고, 알코올과 기름은 0.100 W/(m⋅K)이다. 구리의 열전도율은 약 401 W/(m⋅K)이다.
따라서, 높은 열전도율을 가지는 물질은 열을 흡수하는데 쓰이고, 낮은 열전도율을 가지는 물질은 절연(絕緣)에 쓰인다. 물질의 열 전도율은 온도에 의존하며, 같은 물질이라도 온도에 따라 열전도율이 다르다. 열 전도율의 역수는 열저항이라고 한다.
열 전도율은 텐서로 나타내는데, 이것은 열이 전달될 때 각 방향으로 전달되는 열의 크기가 다르다는 것을 의미한다.
열전도율의 측정방식은 열선법(Hot wire method), 열유속법 (Guarded Heat flow method), 열평판법 (Guarded Hot plate method)으로 구분되며 재료의 열전달 능력을 정확이 측정하기 위해 각각의 측정법이 개발되었다.
Thermal conductivity (often denoted by k, λ, or κ) refers to the intrinsic ability of a material to transfer or conduct heat. It is one of the three methods of heat transfer, the other two being convection and radiation. Heat transfer processes can be quantified in terms of appropriate rate equations. The rate equation in this heat transfer mode is based on Fourier’s law of heat conduction.
It is also defined as the amount of heat per unit time per unit area that can be conducted through a plate of unit thickness of a given material, the faces of the plate differing by one unit of temperature.
Thermal conductivity occurs through molecular agitation and contact, and does not result in the bulk movement of the solid itself. Heat moves along a temperature gradient, from an area of high temperature and high molecular energy to an area with a lower temperature and lower molecular energy. This transfer will continue until thermal equilibrium is reached. The rate at which heat is transferred is dependent upon the magnitude of the temperature gradient, and the specific thermal characteristics of the material.
It is quantified using the International Systems of Unit (SI unit) of W/m•K (Watts per meter per degree Kelvin), and is the reciprocal of thermal resistivity, which measures an objects ability to resist heat transfer. Thermal conductivity equation can be calculated using the following:
Q = heat flow (W)
L = length or thickness of the material (m)
A = surface area of material (m2)
T2−T1 = temperature gradient (K)Adjust slider to see thermal conducivity of various materials.
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